Remote Data Server Setup

In this section, you will see how to setup your special remote data server to store Datalad-managed datasets. As one normal user usually does not have root/admin privileges to the server, this prevents her/him to install them via apt-get.

In this case, there exist two user-based installation solutions, depending on the accessibility of your remote data server to internet:

  1. Internet access: Installation with Conda

  2. No internet access: Installation of standalone git-annex

Installation with Conda

From solutions of the DataLad handbook, installation with Conda is the most convenient user-based installation but it requires an internet access from the remote data server.

In this situation, with Conda or Miniconda installed (If not, please check Installation of Miniconda 3 for instructions), the DataLad package can be installed from the conda-forge channel as follows:

$ conda install -c conda-forge datalad

In general, all software dependencies of DataLad (including git-annex) are automatically installed too.


This approach has the advantage that any dataset could be then directly managed on the remote server with Datalad.

Installation of standalone git-annex

The remote data server might not be connected to internet for security reasons and so, it would be impossible to install DataLad via conda or pip. But do not worry! One can still use a Linux standalone distribution of git-annex. It consists of the following steps:

  1. Download from the official website the Linux standalone for git-annex: git-annex-standalone-amd64.tar.gz.

  2. Create a folder called for instance Softwares in your /home directory with the mkdir command via ssh:

    $ ssh \
    "mkdir -p /home/user/Softwares"


    The command mkdir -p /home/user/Softwares MUST be put inside "" in order to pass and execute this command via ssh.

  3. Copy the downloaded archive to the created folder on the remote server. This can be achieved with the scp command:

    $ scp /local/path/to/git-annex-standalone-amd64.tar.gz \
  4. Extract the content of the archive to a folder git-annex-standalone with the tar command and remove it via ssh:

    $ ssh \
    "tar xzvf /home/user/Softwares/git-annex-standalone-amd64.tar.gz -C git-annex-standalone && rm /home/user/Softwares/git-annex-standalone-amd64.tar.gz"


    The command tar [...] && rm [...] MUST be put inside "" in order to pass and execute this sequence of commands via ssh.

  5. Connect to the remote data server via ssh:

    $ ssh

    Then, open the ~/.bashrc file with vim text editor for instance ($ vim ~/.bashrc) and add the following lines to update system PATH and LD_LIBRARY_PATH:

    export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="/home/user/Softwares/git-annex-standalone/bin:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH"
    export PATH="/home/user/Softwares/git-annex-standalone:$PATH"

    This finalizes the installation of the standalone git-annex binaries and libraries.


    In vim, the key i goes into edition mode. When you are done, press the key esc and then :wq to tell vim to save your change (w) and quit (q).


In this approach, only git-annex is installed on the remote server and so, it would not be possible to directly manage Datalad datasets with Datalad directly there. If one wants to do so, this would require the installation of the dataset on a host machine where an installation of Datalad is available.