Installation Instructions


Installation of the NeuroDataPub has been facilitated through its distribution to the Python Package Index and the use of a conda Python 3.8 environment to install its dependencies, so in order to run NeuroDataPub, we would need to install Miniconda 3 (Instructions in Installation of Miniconda 3).

Once Miniconda 3 is installed, the recommended way to run NeuroDataPub is to use the NeuroDataPub Assistant. Usage instructions can be found in NeuroDataPub Assistant Guide. However, if you are not afraid by the creation of JSON files, or you feel more comfortable with the command-line interface, usage instructions for the neurodatapub command-line interface can be found in Running neurodatapub.

Installation of Miniconda 3

  • Download the installer of Miniconda 3 corresponding to your 32/64bits MacOSX/Linux/Win system from

  • Execute the downloaded script to install it.


NeuroDataPub has been tested only on Ubuntu and MacOSX.

Creation of neurodatapub-env conda environment

  • Download the conda environment.yml

  • Create the neurodatapub-env conda environment:

    $ conda env create -f /path/to/downloaded/environment.yml

    This will create a Python 3.8 environment with all dependencies installed.

Installation of NeuroDataPub

Once the neurodatapub-env conda environment, NeuroDataPub can be installed in the neurodatapub-env conda environment via pip:

$ pip install "git+"
  • You are ready to use NeuroDataPub!


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